B. Middle School Spar Event Prompts

/ Elem F - Round 1- 9:00 a.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Learning to play chess is better for kids than learning to play an instrument

    Homework should be banned.

    Water bottles are better than cups

  2. Speaker 2

    Learning to play chess is better for kids than learning to play an instrument

    Homework should be banned.

    Water bottles are better than cups

  3. Speaker 3

    There should be less focus on AP courses in high school

    Money can buy happiness

    Parents should not use physical discipline

  4. Speaker 4

    There should be less focus on AP courses in high school

    Money can buy happiness

    Parents should not use physical discipline

  5. Speaker 5

    Playing team sports is better for kids than playing individual sports

    A healthy diet is more important than regular exercise

    Indoor activities are more fun than outdoor activities

  6. Speaker 6

    Playing team sports is better for kids than playing individual sports

    A healthy diet is more important than regular exercise

    Indoor activities are more fun than outdoor activities

/ Elem F - Round 2 - 10:00 a.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Every student should learn a musical instrument

    Reading a book is better than watching a TV show

    Bravery is the most important quality in a person

  2. Speaker 2

    Every student should learn a musical instrument

    Reading a book is better than watching a TV show

    Bravery is the most important quality in a person

  3. Speaker 3

    Daylight savings time should be abolished

    Facebook should have a "dislike" button

    Curfews are good

  4. Speaker 4

    Daylight savings time should be abolished

    Facebook should have a "dislike" button

    Curfews are good

  5. Speaker 5

    Being brave is better than being safe

    Lying is sometimes justified

    Education is the key to future success

  6. Speaker 6

    Being brave is better than being safe

    Lying is sometimes justified

    Education is the key to future success

/ Elem F - Round 3 -12:15 p.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    It's ok to keep secrets from your parents

    Bottled water should not be sold to consumers

    Disney+ is a better streaming service than Netflix

  2. Speaker 2

    It's ok to keep secrets from your parents

    Bottled water should not be sold to consumers

    Disney+ is a better streaming service than Netflix

  3. Speaker 3

    Listening to an audiobook counts as reading

    Grades should be based on cumulative work, not final exams

    Amusement parks are better than water parks

  4. Speaker 4

    Listening to an audiobook counts as reading

    Grades should be based on cumulative work, not final exams

    Amusement parks are better than water parks

  5. Speaker 5

    There should be more school uniforms.

    Ambition is good

    The pen is mightier than the sword.

  6. Speaker 6

    There should be more school uniforms.

    Ambition is good

    The pen is mightier than the sword.

/F - Finals / Elem G - Round 3 - 3:15 p.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Travel is important for education

    Adopted children are entitled to know about their biological parents

    Censorship is necessary

  2. Speaker 2

    Travel is important for education

    Adopted children are entitled to know about their biological parents

    Censorship is necessary

  3. Speaker 3

    Having a driver's license is important

    You should always listen to your parents

    Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person

  4. Speaker 4

    Having a driver's license is important

    You should always listen to your parents

    Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person

  5. Speaker 5

    Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries

    Reality television depicts real life

    Churches should pay taxes

  6. Speaker 6

    Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries

    Reality television depicts real life

    Churches should pay taxes

  7. Speaker 7

    Schools should teach students how to do their taxes.


    Kids should not be on social media until they are 16. 


    The US should get rid of the penny.

  8. Speaker 8

    Schools should teach students how to do their taxes.


    Kids should not be on social media until they are 16. 


    The US should get rid of the penny.